A workshop for policy-makers, enterprise development agencies, academics & entrepreneurs
The benefits that can flow from an inclusive and dynamic entrepreneurial society are well documented. The typical early stage entrepreneur is male and in his mid-thirties. The modest rate at which Women, Immigrants and Seniors (50+) are setting up new businesses suggests that this entrepreneurial potential has yet to be fully harnessed. The challenge is not only to encourage more people from these underrepresented groups to set up new businesses but also to support them to widen and deepen their innovative capacity. In this way, an increase in the ‘opportunity-driven’/higher value-added element of their entrepreneurial actions may underpin a greater growth potential.
This event will examine these trends, assess the role of public policy and institutional assistance and highlight best practice internationally. A number of case studies will be featured in order to analyse the situation ‘on the ground’.
The workshop is being organised as part of the Dublin Innovation 2012 Festival by:
Workshop details
Thursday, October 18, 2012
8.00-10.00 a.m.
Commences at 7.30 a.m.
The Mont Clare Hotel, 1-4 Merrion Street Lower, Dublin 2
Guest speaker:
Mr. John Perry, T.D.
Minister for Small Business